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Lees meer over fitness...

Fitness is a form of training that provides a physical and mental condition that allows your body to perform well, respond, have a good weight and recover quickly. That means you can trust your body to perform when you need it. In daily life, for example during a brisk walk, a half marathon, during the bench press or perhaps just at work at home. Read more...

Our choice
Performance Sports Nutrition - Pure Whey
Pure WheyPerformance Sports Nutrition
32,90 29,60
Our choice
House of Nutrition - 100% Whey Protein
100% Whey ProteinHouse of Nutrition
First Class Nutrition - E-Lyte Drink
E-Lyte DrinkFirst Class Nutrition
15,90 14,30
ProPud - Protein Milkshake (8-Pack)
Protein Milkshake (8-Pack)ProPud
MP3 Drinks - Energized (12-pack)
Energized (12-pack)MP3 Drinks
Performance Sports Nutrition - Turbo Mass Gainer
Turbo Mass GainerPerformance Sports Nutrition
21,90 19,70
M Double You - LPG
LPGM Double You
35,90 32,30
Our choice
M Double You - Amino XPlode
Amino XPlodeM Double You
39,90 35,90
Performance Sports Nutrition - Whey Protein Isolate
Whey Protein IsolatePerformance Sports Nutrition
34,95 31,45
Performance Sports Nutrition - Ultra Pure Creatine Monohydrate
Ultra Pure Creatine MonohydratePerformance Sports Nutrition
14,90 13,40
House of Nutrition - Pro Shake
Pro ShakeHouse of Nutrition
M Double You - Liquid Burner
Liquid BurnerM Double You
31,90 28,70
M Double You - Fatblocker
FatblockerM Double You
17,90 16,10
M Double You - Whey Amino
Whey AminoM Double You
17,95 16,15
Performance Sports Nutrition - MAXALEAN
MAXALEANPerformance Sports Nutrition
17,90 16,10
Performance Sports Nutrition - O Booster
O BoosterPerformance Sports Nutrition
17,40 15,65
Performance Sports Nutrition - FLUID FIGHTER
FLUID FIGHTERPerformance Sports Nutrition
18,90 17,00
Performance Sports Nutrition - L-Carnitine
L-CarnitinePerformance Sports Nutrition
19,40 17,45
Performance Sports Nutrition - CAL/MAG
CAL/MAGPerformance Sports Nutrition
14,50 13,05
First Class Nutrition - Premium Multivit
Premium MultivitFirst Class Nutrition
14,90 13,40
Performance Sports Nutrition - FAT RELEASER PLUS
FAT RELEASER PLUSPerformance Sports Nutrition
22,50 20,25
First Class Nutrition - Test-X9
Test-X9First Class Nutrition
21,90 19,70
Performance Sports Nutrition - L-Glutamine
L-GlutaminePerformance Sports Nutrition
13,90 12,50
Performance Sports Nutrition - Delicious Cooking Spray (PEM)
Delicious Cooking Spray (PEM)Performance Sports Nutrition
6,90 6,20
First Class Nutrition - Kre Alkalyn Pure
Kre Alkalyn PureFirst Class Nutrition
26,95 24,25
Performance Sports Nutrition - BCAA Caps
BCAA CapsPerformance Sports Nutrition
30,95 27,85
First Class Nutrition - BCAA 4000
BCAA 4000First Class Nutrition
18,50 16,65
First Class Nutrition - Oat Mix
Oat MixFirst Class Nutrition
27,99 25,20
Performance Sports Nutrition - Pure L-Glutamine Caps
Pure L-Glutamine CapsPerformance Sports Nutrition
13,90 12,50
M Double You - Iron Grips
Iron GripsM Double You
18,95 17,05
M Double You - Professional Grip
Professional GripM Double You
17,95 16,15
Our choice
Performance Sports Nutrition - KRE-ALKALYN XTREME
KRE-ALKALYN XTREMEPerformance Sports Nutrition
23,90 21,50
Our choice
M Double You - Glutamine Powder
Glutamine PowderM Double You
17,90 16,10
M Double You - Cal & Mag
Cal & MagM Double You
13,90 12,50
First Class Nutrition - Training belt
Training beltFirst Class Nutrition
19,25 17,35
First Class Nutrition - Gloves Wrist Wraps
Gloves Wrist WrapsFirst Class Nutrition
16,95 15,25
First Class Nutrition - Knee Bandages
Knee BandagesFirst Class Nutrition
19,95 17,95
Performance Sports Nutrition - Fat Defence
Fat DefencePerformance Sports Nutrition
16,90 15,20
M Double You - Heavy PowerBelt
Heavy PowerBeltM Double You
37,95 34,15
First Class Nutrition - Super Amino Force
Super Amino ForceFirst Class Nutrition
First Class Nutrition - Pro88 Day & Night
Pro88 Day & NightFirst Class Nutrition
M Double You - Liquid Magnesium
Liquid MagnesiumM Double You
M Double You - Liquid Amino
Liquid AminoM Double You
First Class Nutrition - Magnetude Explosive
Magnetude ExplosiveFirst Class Nutrition
M Double You - Whey Isolate
Whey IsolateM Double You
Performance Sports Nutrition - Protein Baking Mix
Protein Baking MixPerformance Sports Nutrition
M Double You - Multi Max
Multi MaxM Double You
House of Nutrition - Vitality Pack
Vitality PackHouse of Nutrition
48,30 43,45
First Class Nutrition - Pancake Mix
Pancake MixFirst Class Nutrition
M Double You - XXL Gainer
XXL GainerM Double You
M Double You - Stack 5
Stack 5M Double You
M Double You - Milk & Whey Proteïne
Milk & Whey ProteïneM Double You
M Double You - Extreme Burner
Extreme BurnerM Double You
M Double You - Super Grip Gloves
Super Grip GlovesM Double You
M Double You - Leather Belt
Leather BeltM Double You
M Double You - Stack 2
Stack 2M Double You
Performance Sports Nutrition - Yellow Burner
Yellow BurnerPerformance Sports Nutrition
Performance Sports Nutrition - VITA-VITES
VITA-VITESPerformance Sports Nutrition
Our choice
ProPud - Protein Bar (12-pack)
Protein Bar (12-pack)ProPud
Scitec Nutrition - 100% Creatine Monohydrate
100% Creatine MonohydrateScitec Nutrition
19,90 18,90
Scitec Nutrition - Oatmeal
OatmealScitec Nutrition
15,90 15,10
Scitec Nutrition - Protein Pancake
Protein PancakeScitec Nutrition
23,90 22,70
Scitec Nutrition - 100% Vegan Protein
100% Vegan ProteinScitec Nutrition
38,90 36,95
MDY-Gear - Fitness Gloves
Fitness GlovesMDY-Gear
14,90 12,65
Scitec Nutrition - 100% Hydro Isolate
100% Hydro IsolateScitec Nutrition
43,90 41,70
MDY-Gear - Training Gloves
Training GlovesMDY-Gear
14,75 12,55
Scitec Nutrition - Jumbo
JumboScitec Nutrition
29,90 28,40
Scitec Nutrition - BCAA Xpress
BCAA XpressScitec Nutrition
36,90 35,05
Scitec Nutrition - Superhero Pre-Workout
Superhero Pre-WorkoutScitec Nutrition
35,90 34,10
Scitec Nutrition - Caffeine
CaffeineScitec Nutrition
11,90 11,30
MDY-Gear - Workout Gloves WW
Workout Gloves WWMDY-Gear
14,95 12,70
Scitec Nutrition - Ami-NO Xpress
Ami-NO XpressScitec Nutrition
31,90 30,30
MDY-Gear - Power Straps Neoprene
Power Straps NeopreneMDY-Gear
9,95 8,45
Scitec Nutrition - 100% Casein Complex
100% Casein ComplexScitec Nutrition
35,90 34,10
Scitec Nutrition - 100% Beef Protein
100% Beef ProteinScitec Nutrition
34,90 33,15
Scitec Nutrition - Iso Clear Protein
Iso Clear ProteinScitec Nutrition
44,90 42,65
MDY-Gear - Waist Trimmer
Waist TrimmerMDY-Gear
16,95 14,40
MDY-Gear - Power Belt
Power BeltMDY-Gear
18,95 16,10
Scitec Nutrition - Citrulline Malate
Citrulline MalateScitec Nutrition
16,90 16,05
Scitec Nutrition - Super Guarana
Super GuaranaScitec Nutrition
16,90 16,05
Scitec Nutrition - Beta Alanine Caps
Beta Alanine CapsScitec Nutrition
21,90 20,80
Applied Nutrition - Pump 3G Pre-Workout
Pump 3G Pre-WorkoutApplied Nutrition
22,40 21,05
Scitec Nutrition - Oat 'N' Whey
Oat 'N' WheyScitec Nutrition
29,90 28,40
MDY-Gear - Wrist Wraps Neoprene
Wrist Wraps NeopreneMDY-Gear
10,95 9,30
Scitec Nutrition - AAKG
AAKGScitec Nutrition
19,90 18,90
Scitec Nutrition - HCA Chitosan
HCA ChitosanScitec Nutrition
19,90 18,90
Scitec Nutrition - Euro Vita-Mins
Euro Vita-MinsScitec Nutrition
17,90 17,00
Scitec Nutrition - Amino Charge
Amino ChargeScitec Nutrition
29,90 28,40
Scitec Nutrition - Revex-HC
Revex-HCScitec Nutrition
28,90 27,45
Scitec Nutrition - Hot Blood NO STIM Pre-Workout
Hot Blood NO STIM Pre-WorkoutScitec Nutrition
31,90 30,30
Scitec Nutrition - 100% Beef Muscle
100% Beef MuscleScitec Nutrition
65,90 62,60
Applied Nutrition - Shed H2O Water Out Complex
Shed H2O Water Out ComplexApplied Nutrition
29,40 27,65
Scitec Nutrition - Carni Complex
Carni ComplexScitec Nutrition
20,90 19,85
Scitec Nutrition - MyoFactor
MyoFactorScitec Nutrition
29,90 28,40
Applied Nutrition - i-DRIVE
i-DRIVEApplied Nutrition
29,90 28,10
Applied Nutrition - ABE Ultimate Pre-Workout Shot
ABE Ultimate Pre-Workout ShotApplied Nutrition
MDY-Gear - Grip Pads Ladies
Grip Pads LadiesMDY-Gear
Scitec Nutrition - Arthroxon Plus
Arthroxon PlusScitec Nutrition
Discount package
Scitec Nutrition - Burn It Pack
Burn It PackScitec Nutrition
38,80 35,95
Scitec Nutrition - Hot Blood Hardcore Shot
Hot Blood Hardcore ShotScitec Nutrition
Applied Nutrition - Shred X Fat Burner
Shred X Fat BurnerApplied Nutrition
Applied Nutrition - Pump 3G ZERO STIM Pre-Workout
Pump 3G ZERO STIM Pre-WorkoutApplied Nutrition
Applied Nutrition - Creatine Monohydrate
Creatine MonohydrateApplied Nutrition
Applied Nutrition - ABE Ultimate Pre-Workout
ABE Ultimate Pre-WorkoutApplied Nutrition
MDY-Gear - Ultimate Grip
Ultimate GripMDY-Gear
MDY-Gear - Power Straps
Power StrapsMDY-Gear
Applied Nutrition - Cream of Rice
Cream of RiceApplied Nutrition
MDY-Gear - Knee Wraps
Knee WrapsMDY-Gear

Fitness is a form of training that provides a physical and mental condition that allows your body to perform well, respond, have a good weight and recover quickly. That means you can trust your body to perform when you need it. In daily life, for example during a brisk walk, a half marathon, during the bench press or perhaps just at work at home.

Fitness makes you feel better about yourself

Fitness can keep your muscles, lungs and heart strong and your weight and body fat to no more than .25% body fat for women and 18% body fat for men. You determine your goal what you want to achieve with training. Do you want to lose weight, build fitness, build more muscle mass or perhaps more strength? Your current fitness level, age, health, skills, interests and being able to free up time are factors that count. But the fact is, once you start and find yourself feeling better, stronger, and looking slimmer and tighter, it will encourage you to keep going and you may take your training to the next level. Start here, end stronger!

Different types of fitness workouts

Once you have determined your goals, it is no superfluous luxury to make a personal fitness schedule or have it made for you by a personal trainer. This prevents injuries and ensures that you really keep it up. There are also very useful apps (MyFitnessPal), wearables and videos that you can use to achieve your goal. Fitness consists of different types of workouts.

Cardio training, muscle endurance, strength training and flexibility training.

Cardio training gives you more energy by improving your overall fitness and will help you burn calories during exercise and maintain your body weight.

Muscle endurance is the sustaining of great effort by a muscle or a muscle group for a long time.

Strength training is building more muscle strength /mass which also ensures an increased consumption of calories and thus a decrease in the fat percentage. It also has a positive effect on the condition of the blood vessels and blood circulation and metabolism.

Flexibility training is important for injury prevention and for gaining strength and size. Maintaining optimal flexibility increases your performance and contributes to the mobility of a joint.

Fitness and nutrition

Which dietary supplements can you take before and during a fitness workout? Start in the morning with a tasty protein shake or protein pancake. We have written a nice blog about that. There are also plenty of dietary protein shakes. The protein bars are delicious as a snack. Your muscles will thank you for helping with muscle building and recovery. Before you start training you can take a shot of Carnitine to stimulate fat burning or a pre workout with creatine which supports muscle building and explosiveness. During training we have numerous sports drinks. Carnitine sports drinks moisturize and provide extra fat burning. We can replenish the glycogen stock with drinks that also replenish the minerals that you lose with sweating. Two birds with one stone.

Rest and recovery period

Just like regular, proper training and a well-thought-out diet, rest is just as important. You really can't go crazy in the gym every day. You must also plan the rest days in a good schedule. You give your body rest by sleeping well, but also by not exercising for a day. And if you are going on holiday for a week, do nothing for a while. At rest, your muscles grow and repair the minor muscle damage that occurs after a hard workout. It is then not unwise to add proteins and aminos, minerals and vitamins to your diet. It goes without saying that you drink enough while doing so.

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